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What is A Divine Romance?


Did you know that as a child of God, whether you are married or unmarried, in a wonderful marriage or not, you my friend, are in a divine romance.  The Romancer is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is constantly wooing us into a most beautiful relationship with Him if we can only sit still long enough to tune into His siren song.  (siren song: an appeal that's hard to resist)


I invite you, the readers, to learn more of His love for you. I hope to inspire you to fall more in love with Jesus, our Redeemer and I encourage you to dig deeper into God's word to see for yourself that "he is good."  We'll seek to find direction and inspiration through simple observations of scripture and/or through life lessons.  The Lord "DO" love to use object lessons in my life!


So sit back and prepare to be romanced by the God of Heaven, the Lord of Glory, the King of Kings, the Great I am.


"My beloved is mine and I am His..."

Song of Solomon 2:16

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