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Mindset is key!

I told my oldest daughter that today as I was trying to boost her confidence and calm her nerves as she was preparing to do a phone interview with another dentist office. That got me thinking about how true the statement “Mindset is key” is in ALL walks of life.

For instance... I got my “mother of the bride’s dress” in the mail last week and now, let just say I am now low-carbing it like a maniac until the wedding!! It was just a little snug, well, little to pretty snug, but if I want to be comfortable in it and in pictures, yep, low-carbing it.

I’ve been trying to back off sugar for some time, but just couldn’t get the mind set to do it. I didn’t have a good enough reason to give up on my best friend, Mr. Carbs. I’m nothing if not loyal to him. He’s been with me for many years; seen me through many hard times! I just couldn’t leave him behind. But as soon as I put that dress on and that zipper struggled to climb its long track up my back, reminding me of the little engine that could as it past my hips region… I think I can, I think I can, I think I can… I dropped Mr. Carbs like a hot potato! It’s a mindset!!

Then I got to thinking about all the verses in the Bible that can really get behind that statement. Like…

“Set your affections on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”

Colossians 3:2

I like the NIV version that says to “Set your mind on things above.” It’s a mindset.

Mindset: Today, I’m going to focus my attention on the things that will bring a smile to my Savior’s face, things that will win me a few jewels for my crown in heaven.

How about...

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him.”

Isaiah 26:3

In other words, whose mind is set on pleasing the Lord, on seeking His will.

Like my battle with carbs, in which I had no real motivation to change my mindset until I tried on my MOB dress, God knows how we work. He did create us after all. He knows we require motivation, which is why He puts a promise with the verses that remind us to have a mindset for Christ.

“When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with him in glory.” Col. 3:4

“You will keep him in perfect peace whose….” Is. 26:3a

So what do we have to lose?!! There is nothing but gain when we have a mindset to please the Lord, trust the Lord, follow the Lord, and then we can rest in His promises that all will be well!

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