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Fill to Overflow

"Thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over." Psalms 23:5

I have a bad habit of treating my spiritual cup like I do my car’s gas tank. I fill it up in the Word, having a really good time with the Lord, to where my cup is over flowing from all of His goodness, but then instead of keeping that flow going I back off from the Word for a few days, just letting that good “fueling” sustain me until once again the Lord's little red “E” light starts flashing, reminding me that I'm running on spiritual fumes again and I need to refuel.

Some of signs of the red flashing "E" light for me are short temper, bad decision making, dissatisfaction, lack of self-control… just to name a few.

Now when we're at the gas station fueling our cars, and it starts to over flow, we always have a mini panic attack and quickly let the pressure off the nozzle as to not waste money... not to mention not getting the stinky gas all over our shoes! But the same is NOT true when we pull up to God’s fueling station! When your feasting at His table and the joy is building, and the tank if filling, don’t let up! Keep the pressure down on that nozzle. Allow God’s Word to fill you up, then run over and down the sides.

You see, it’s that “overflow" that pours into other people's lives. When we just fuel up and go on that “tank” of God’s goodness as long as we can, that’s only sustaining us. It’s what we stand in need of and nothing more. Which is good and all, but if we allow our spiritual tanks to fill to overflowing and continue that outflow... then God takes the excess and puts it into other people’s lives, using us as a vessel... a vehicle for His will and His good, allowing us to be a blessing to others, which in turn, keeps that overflow going when we see God using us.

God wastes nothing!!!

So, pressure down! Keep fueling and when it gets good, keep fueling. God’s got plans for that excess joy flow.

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