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Gifts. Now there’s a subject that can evoke confusion and frustration in many. I’ve heard so many people say, “I don’t have a gift. I can’t sing or preach or teach or play an instrument.” Somewhere along the way we’ve confused the word GIFTS with TALENTS. But there is so much more to gifts than mere talents.

In 1 Corinthians 12:28 there is a list of some of the gifts God has given to us. The one that always sticks out to me the most is the one that most people tend to overlook. Helps… being a help. No, being a helper doesn’t put you in the spiritual spotlight. There is rarely a grand applause to those who administer the gift of help, but that’s not why God gives us gifts in the first place.

What would a pastor do without all the helpers in his church? A church sure can’t run itself by the preaching of the Word, yet that’s really the pastors ONLY responsibility in God’s eyes. Helpers are one of the most important and vital roles to keeping any ministry going.

There’s another unknown gift found in 1 Peter that the Bible says EVERYBODY has. Has, and should be putting to good use. Let’s look at that verse.

Use HOSPITALITY one to another, without grudging. AS EVERY MAN HATH RECEIVED THE GIFT, even so minister the same one to another. 1 Peter 4: 9&10

Hospitality. The word itself makes me feel all warm and cozy on the inside. And it’s something that we ALL have in us and should be sharing with others.

Hospitality: The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guest, visitors, or strangers.

Or as Strong’s Concordance defines it, fond of guest, lover of use

So, don’t let Satan sucker punch you into thinking that God was wrong about you and that you REALLY don’t have a gift. YES, YOU DO!!! And that’s just two VERY simple gifts that God has given to you.

How about forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift that we all have in us, but many refuse to use. Then there’s the gift of love!! Showing someone that they are loved and valued by you is a HUGE gift, one that can break down walls and set captives free.

And never forget, “All GOOD GIFTS come from above, from the Father of Lights.” (Jms 1:17) I’ve always taken that to mean anything good in your life is a gift from God. But another way to think of this verse is everything thing good in you is a GIFT from God, meant to be shared with others. So go. Share. Encourage. Be kind. Show love. Give forgiveness and see how the giving of the goodness IN you is a return gift to yourself as well.

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